Login to your account, click on My Orders to get all details.
How can I track my order shipment?
Orders, once processed and shipped can be tracked using the consignment / tracking number, commonly referred to as the AWB number. You will receive the AWB number and tracking link on your email once the order is shipped.
To track your shipment status, all you need to do is –
1. Go to the service provider’s website
2. Type in the tracking number provided in the mail in the Tracking section and check the status
How do I redeem a coupon?
Once you have shortlisted the product you wish to buy, select the size & colour, click Add to Bag and view your cart. Here you can enter your discount/coupon code, click on apply code, and follow the rest of the instructions to place your order.
How will I know if my order has been placed successfully?
You will receive an email confirmation from Royal DecoFurnishing once your order is successfully placed. The mail will have all the details related to your order.
Can I change my shipping address/Contact details after I have placed my order?
We can certainly change the address in case the order is not yet shipped from our end. Contact us to get it changed. If the order is already shipped out, we will not be able to make any changes.
I am placing an order as a gift to my loved one. Will she receive the price tags and invoice?
As per Indian Tax Regulations, all items (including gifts) will be shipped with an invoice mentioning the price.
I got an error while placing the order. I’m not sure if the order is placed.
For every successful order, you will receive an email confirming the order. If in case the order was not placed successfully, we request you to place the order again.